
Hosted Events

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Being Informed is Critical for Making the Right Decisions.

SBFund’s team of experienced analysts keep you apprised of the latest trends across all sectors with specialized insights from industry thought leaders.

Each day a team of senior SBFund analysts follow industry news and market developments to identify the most compelling, distinctive and relevant topics across all sectors for our Hosted Events. We moderate events on those topics featuring many of the most knowledgeable and respected names in the industry. These small group discussions often utilize the most senior and sought-after experts, including the newest additions to the SBFund network. We understand you have a busy agenda, which is why our in-house analysts drive the discussions, asking the probing questions so you don’t have to. Whether a moderated conference call or an in-person breakfast briefing, the research and preparation that goes into each event assures the session will be focused, compelling and engaging.


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Quickly understand major trends, company outlooks and industry developments.

Timely Coverage

Timely coverage of important developments by SBFund's experienced analysts and experts.

Research Materials

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Upcoming Events

SBFund's Hosted Events feature a subject-matter expert who can share industry perspectives on current market trends.